Hospice care service is designed to provide your loved one with comfort and dignity during the last days of their life. Hospice care at facilities like Orchard Hill at Sudbury Assisted Living Community is not meant to cure your loved one from their illness, but to improve the quality of their last days. Healthcare professionals' goal at this time is to meet the patient's and family's wishes and desires at the end of life and to help you meet those desires. Now that you better understand what hospice is, this article will discuss what role you can play during this trying time.
Focus on quality of life
Remember that the goal of hospice is to focus on quality of life. Talk to your health care provider about questions or concerns that you have; they are there to help you. Also don't forget to take care of yourself and remember your own quality of life.
Join a supportive group
Joining a supportive group can be a great way to reduce the caregiver burden and stress that you feel. Finding a group that is going through a similar experience as you can help you feel comfort in the fact that you are not alone. As you express your feelings and listen to others, you can hear other people's perspective and learn new ways to cope.
Enjoy family time
Although this time is a trial for you and your family, remember to enjoy this spiritual time together.
Although the death of your loved one is probably one of the most challenging experiences that you will face in this lifetime, it can be a special and spiritual experience as you focus on quality of life, join a supportive group with others who understand, and enjoy family time. Hospice care is there for you.
Share25 November 2014
Recently, my mom took my grandmother to her physician for a regular check-up. During this visit, the doctor discovered my grandmother had a cracked bone in her foot. Due to my grandmother’s dementia, she didn’t know if she had fallen or dropped something on her foot. My family and I decided my grandmother shouldn’t live on her own anymore. Do you desperately desire to protect an elderly loved one from harm? If he or she is currently living alone, consider placing your loved one in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. By making this move, you won’t have to worry anymore about the possibility of your relative falling with no one to help him or her. On this blog, I hope you will discover the numerous benefits of moving a senior loved one into a nursing home or assisted living facility. Enjoy!